Find a Support Group

Find Support. Give Support. Get Support.
Connecting with others facing similar experiences can improve emotional well-being and have a positive impact on the health of people who are living with pulmonary fibrosis.
Support groups provide an opportunity for participants to share experiences, practical information, and resources. A support group can also be a valuable source of encouragement and inspiration for patients, caregivers, family members, and friends.
Participating in a support group may be helpful, but it is important to remember that it is not a substitute for medical advice from your doctor, nor is it a substitute for care from a mental health professional. You should always speak with your doctor before starting or stopping any treatment.
Find a Support Group Near You
The PFF support group search tool can help you find groups near you. Click “See Details” for any group in your search results to access contact and meeting information.
Contact information provided for "Support Groups" listed on this website is solely intended for patients, caregivers, and family members who would like to participate in a support group. This information may not be used for business purposes at any time. Please email or call 844.TalkPFF (844.825.5733) with any questions.
Disclaimer: The Foundation reviews all self-reported information provided by a support group prior to approving the group’s PFF affiliation. The Foundation does not guarantee, and is not responsible for, the accuracy of information or the nature of programming offered by any support group listed on our website. For more information, contact the PFF Help Center at 844.825.5733 or
Join a PFF Support Group on Zoom
The PFF hosts four monthly Zoom support groups for anyone who is affected by pulmonary fibrosis. If you are not able to attend an in-person group, or simply want more opportunities for support between meetings, consider joining one of the PFF’s
monthly support group calls.
- PFF Voices offers a chance to learn from healthcare providers and discuss topics and concerns related to the disease. This group meets on the third Thursday of every month at 1:00 p.m. CT.
- PFF Caring Conversations is specifically for those caring for individuals with PF and gives participants the opportunity to share experiences and information related to their caregiving role. This group meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 1:00 p.m. CT.
- PFF Lung Transplant Community Support Group is intended for those who have had, or are awaiting, a lung transplant due to pulmonary fibrosis. This group provides an opportunity for discussion and dialogue around transplant-related challenges and celebrations. Meetings feature guest speakers as well as an open forum approach. This group meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 1:00 p.m. CT.
- PFF Coloquio es un grupo de apoyo para los que son afectados de la fibrosis pulmonar. Este grupo da espacio para discutir temas y preocupación relacionado con la fibrosis pulmonar. Un grupo de apoyo que se reúne cada segundo martes de cada mes a la 1:00 p.m. CT. El grupo de apoyo PFF Coloquio no se reúne actualmente. Por favor, vuelva a consultar en la primavera.
All groups offer the PF community a valuable forum to share information
and provide support to one another from the comfort of their own home.
Registration is not required to participate, and call-in information and
meeting times are the same each month. To join a PFF virtual support group meeting via Zoom, click the button below on your computer or smartphone, or call one of the telephone numbers provided, at or just prior to 1:00 p.m. CT on the scheduled day:
Meeting ID: 898 3066 3004
Passcode: 067150
You may also dial in by phone:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 647 374 4685 CAN (Toronto)

Find a Full List of All Support Groups
PFF support group meetings should take place in a virtual format as high-risk individuals are encouraged to stay home as much as possible and avoid contact with individuals outside their household due to COVID-19. Additionally, the PFF would like support
group leaders to move outdoor meetings, gatherings or celebrations to a virtual format. The PFF thanks support group leaders for their leadership and assistance with helping the community to stay safe.
For the safety of the PF community, the PFF has advised affiliated support groups to suspend in-person meetings until further notice. Some groups have continued to meet via virtual platforms.
Please contact the support group leader to confirm meeting information and learn how to join a virtual meeting. Please see this list of support groups offering virtual meetings.