Oxygen Rights and Resources

Medicare Patients' Oxygen Rights
Patients with original Medicare have rights that cover things like the types of equipment that they receive, the services that they receive, and the right to make a complaint. Learn more in the Medicare Patients’ Oxygen Rights brochure. If you have a Medicare Advantage plan or a different type of insurance, you should reach out to your plan to get information on how they cover oxygen therapy.
The digital versions are available for download below. Email the PFF
Help Center or call 844.TalkPFF for printed hard copies. The hard copies are available as a
folded brochure.
Oxygen Basics Booklet
This booklet provides an in-depth overview of the basics of supplemental oxygen, including equipment, getting started, Medicare information, and traveling.
The digital versions are available for download below. Email the PFF Help Center or call 844.TalkPFF for printed hard copies. The hard copies are available as a booklet.

Quick Start Guide for Supplemental Oxygen
This education resource is intended for people who have been newly prescribed supplemental oxygen and includes information about oxygen prescriptions, equipment operation, and how to use oxygen safely. The Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation worked with the
American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) to develop this guide. The digital versions are available for download below. Email the PFF
Help Center or call 844.TalkPFF for printed hard copies. The hard copies are available as a
folded brochure.
Traveling With Supplemental Oxygen
This education resource provides information about traveling by air, by car, and to higher altitudes for people with supplemental oxygen. It includes a checklist of things to consider before traveling with oxygen. The digital versions are available for download below. Email the PFF
Help Center or call 844.TalkPFF for printed hard copies. The hard copies are available as a
folded brochure.

Ways to Learn More
It can feel as if there is a lot to learn about using supplemental oxygen. The following videos are additional resources that will help you as you navigate your disease journey and supplemental oxygen prescription.