Understanding Telemedicine

Let Us Help You Understand Telemedicine
Telemedicine is the use of technology—smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer—to connect patients directly with their healthcare providers. Use our resources below to learn the basics about this growing field in the healthcare industry.
If you have questions, contact the PFF Help Center at 844.TalkPFF or help@pulmonaryfibrosis.org.
Telemedicine Basics & Checklist
In the Telemedicine Basics booklet, patients will learn how to connect with a pulmonologist in a virtual format. Use the Telemedicine Basics Checklist to prepare for a successful visit.
Telemedicine Basics (English) (Español) (Hindi) (Mandarin)
Telemedicine Checklist (English) (Español) (Hindi) (Mandarin)

Telemedicine 101: Making the Most of Your Virtual Visits
Guest speakers Dr. Mark Hamblin and Jamie Ludwig, RN join us for this special presentation while Dr. Amy Hajari Case moderates the discussion. This webinar covers an introduction to the basics of telemedicine, what to expect during a visit, what kinds of questions to ask your providers, as well as the limitations of telemedicine.
En Español: La Dra. Pilar Acosta Lara se une a la PFF para nuestro seminario web
"Telemedicina 101: Aproveche al máximo sus citas virtuales". Este
seminario web ofrece una introducción a los conceptos básicos de la
telemedicina, qué esperar durante una visita, qué tipo de preguntas
hacer a sus proveedores de atención médica, así como las limitaciones de
la telemedicina.
Thank You
Thank you to our sponsor, Boehringer Ingelheim, for supporting these educational materials.