Planned Giving
A bequest is a gift of money or property promised to an organization in your will and provides a straight forward option for leaving a donation to the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation. Advantages of a bequest include:
- Ability to control your assets during your lifetime and allows you to make a gift without impacting your current financial situation
- Qualification of an estate tax charitable deduction
- Expand the impact of your philanthropy for years to come
- Ensure a lasting legacy and continued support for a cause that’s near and dear to you
An example of language used in a bequest is outlined below:
“I give (or bequeath) to the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation, located in Chicago, Illinois, a non-stock charitable corporation, tax ID number 84-1558631, for general charitable purposes, the following assets: ________________.”
In many cases, it makes sense to name the PFF as a percentage beneficiary of your estate; that way your estate plan can reflect your overall intent and goals regardless of valuation fluctuations.
To help you get started, we invite you to use this free estate planning tool, courtesy of FreeWill. It allows you to write a legal will in 20 minutes or less, at no personal cost, and include the necessary language to create a bequest to the PFF.
If you’ve already created a bequest in your estate plan to support PFF, please fill out this form to let us know.

Planned Giving with FreeWill
Planned giving is one of the most meaningful ways you can make an impact. A gift to the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (PFF) will leave a lasting benefit for generations to come and will allow the Foundation to continue our valuable work with the PF community, and maybe someone very close to you.
It’s easier than ever to create a lasting legacy with the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation. Courtesy of FreeWill, our community can use their online estate planning service to write a legal will, at no personal cost.
FreeWill’s tool takes 20 minutes or less, can be used in tandem with an attorney, and is free to write or update your will at any time. And it makes it easy to create the necessary language in your plans to support the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation with a planned gift.
IRA Charitable Rollover
Did you know you can use your individual retirement account (IRA) to make a difference at the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation? It is easy and might save you on taxes. Also known as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), this is a tax-prudent way to support the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation.
A QCD is a direct transfer of funds from your IRA, payable to a qualified charity such as the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation. QCD’s are advantageous because they can be counted toward satisfying your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year, and they do not require you to itemize.
Requirements for making a QCD:
- You must be 70 ½ or older
- Gifts count toward your RMD
- Limited to the amount that would otherwise be taxed as ordinary income. This excludes non-deductible contributions
- The maximum annual amount is $100,000. Married couples with separate IRA’S may each transfer up to $100,000 annually
Please discuss with your financial and/or tax advisor to decide if a QCD is right for you.
Contact your IRA administrator and ask them to assist you in making a QCD.
Please visit the IRS websiteto learn more about QCD’S.
Contact Seth Klein, Senior Vice President, Development at the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation via email at or 312.224.2670 if you wish to further discuss this charitable planning option.

Albert Rose Legacy Society
In 2000, Albert Rose and his family were impacted by pulmonary fibrosis and its devastating consequences. Mr. Rose didn’t want the disease to continue to impact other families, so he pledged one million dollars to form an organization that would fight this disease: the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation. We are proud to honor Mr. Rose and his legacy by introducing the Albert Rose Legacy Society.
Today, the PFF is one of the largest funders of pulmonary fibrosis research, patient education, and advocacy. We forge meaningful collaborations with the nation’s top research institutions, industry partners, and government agencies with the shared goal of finding a cure for this horrific disease.
To create a life-giving legacy and join the Albert Rose Legacy Society, simply include the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation in your will, trust, retirement plan, or insurance policy. Like Mr. Rose, you can leave a lasting benefit and help us one day achieve our vision, a world without pulmonary fibrosis.
Additional Planned Giving Opportunities
You can leave a lasting legacy to the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation in a number of alternative ways. Additional financial options include:
- Publicly traded stock
- Bonds
- Charitable Trusts
- Retirement plans and IRA designations
- Life insurance designations
- Donor Advised Funds
We recommend you obtain legal or financial advice from appropriate advisors when you are planning your estate. The advice provided on this website is designed to provide general ideas for your consideration and we encourage you to work with your personal financial advisor to select the best option for your financial goals.

Help Your Clients Make a Difference
We understand the importance of gifts given to the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation and act with the utmost care and respect when honoring a donor’s wishes. When recommending the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation for your client’s financial or estate plans, you can be confident in knowing the gift has the power to make an impact and create hope for PF patients and their families.
For estate planning purposes, our legal name is Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation and our tax ID number is 84-1558631.
If you are a financial advisor and your client would like to direct a gift to the Foundation, the PFF is already included in their estate plan or you are administering an estate and have a gift to distribute, please contact us so we can honor the donor’s wishes.