Learn More about the CCN Steering Committee
Provide guidance and recommendations to PFF Leadership and collaborate with the CCN sites in achieving the PFF mission. The Committee meets every other month.
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Provide guidance and recommendations to PFF Leadership and collaborate with the CCN sites in achieving the PFF mission. The Committee meets every other month.
Sonye Danoff, MD, PhD, Johns Hopkins
Scott Staszak, PFF Chief Operating Officer
Jessica Shore, PhD, RN, PFF Vice President of Clinical Affairs and Quality
Joe Lasky, MD, PFF Chief Medical Officer
Amy Case, MD, FCCP, Piedmont Healthcare
Tejaswini Kulkarni, MD, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Jamie Lederer, CRNP, MSN, University of Pennsylvania
Joyce Lee, MD, MS, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Anoop Nambiar, MD, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
Lanier O'Hare, CRNP, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Ross Summer, MD, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
Sherry Manke
Junelle Speller, MBA, PFF Registry Vice President
Kevin Flaherty, MD, MS, University of Michigan Health System
Maryl Kreider, MD, MSCE, University of Pennsylvania
Murali Ramaswamy, MD, LeBauer Healthcare at Cone Health
Sandra Bennett-Pagan
Erica Farrand, MD, University of California at San Francisco
Janell Reichuber, MSN, RN, University of Kansas Hospital
Krishna Thavarajah, MD, Henry Ford Health System
Ingrid Schwab, PFF CCN Manager
Aubrey Trecek, PFF CCN Coordinator
Provide guidance and recommendations to PFF Leadership and collaborate with the CCN sites in achieving the PFF mission. The Committee meets every other month.