October 2024 clinical trial highlights
In the October 2024 clinical trial highlights, we'll showcase just a few of the many trials that are open for enrollment and seeking volunteers. To view more available trials for various forms of interstitial lung disease, please visit the 🔍 PFF Clinical Trial Finder.
Seeking participants with pulmonary fibrosis, interstitial lung disease, lung fibrosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation Community Registry
- Study ID: NCT05382572
- Intervention: Observational
- Sponsor: Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation
- Study Contact: registry@pulmonaryfibrosis.org
Seeking participants with rheumatoid arthritis associated with interstitial lung disease
- Study ID: NCT06397677
- Intervention: Blood or biological sample collection
- Sponsor: University of Colorado, Denver
- Study Contact: Tyna O’Connor (tyna.oconnor@cuanschutz.edu)
Seeking participants with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Study Evaluating INS018_055 Administered Orally to Subjects With Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Study ID: NCT05975983
- Trial Phase: Phase 2
- Intervention: Oral drug
- Sponsor: InSilico Medicine Hong Kong Limited
- Study Contact: Insilico-Clinicaltrial@insilico.ai; Monique Duncan (m.duncan@insilicomedicine.com)
Research Roundup
Since its founding in 2000, the PFF has led the charge to create a world without pulmonary fibrosis. We have done this by forging partnerships with other patient and provider organizations, research institutions, the pharmaceutical and biotech industries, and government agencies.
Here is some of the latest news on PF and ILD research initiatives:
Happy anniversary to Esbriet® and OFEV®!
These two medications were FDA-approved 10 years ago this month, and they were the first-ever approved medications for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. It was a pivotal moment for people living with pulmonary fibrosis.
The availability of these two medications changed clinical care and energized research and development, and the research pipeline has grown stronger ever since. Now, there are over 40 phase 2 or higher clinical trials that are testing new medications, and they’re actively recruiting patients. Esbriet® and OFEV® would not be here today without patient participation in clinical trials.
Phase 3 idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis study meets its primary endpoints
The two approved antifibrotics were approved based on FVC, and current clinical trials are using this as the determination if a medication can lessen worsening lung function, or progression of lung fibrosis.
In the FIBRONEER trial, at 52 weeks those who had received the active medication in development had less lung function decline than those who received the placebo (i.e., non-active pills). The study will continue to follow and conduct further review on the "secondary endpoints" such as hospitalization, an episode of rapid worsening of a pulmonary condition known as acute exacerbations, and death; along with how many participants had side effects.
The trial achieving its endpoint marks a significant development in advancing care for patients living with IPF and demonstrates the important of research studies which support the development of improved therapies for pulmonary fibrosis and interstitial lung disease (ILD).
To learn more about clinical trials, review the PFF’s clinical trial guide and the PFF’s pulmonary function tests guide.