Liposomal Cyclosporine A
Drug Details
Liposomal Cyclosporine A for inhalation (L-CsA-i) is a true liposome of cyclosporine A designed for inhaled delivery to the lungs (administered via the high-performance PARI eFlow® Nebulizer System)
Study Purpose
Phase III randomized, controlled clinical trials of L-CsA for the treatment of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome in adults diagnosed with BOS following single or double lung transplant. Patients will receive either L-CsA (5 mg) via the PARI Investigational eFlow® Device twice daily plus Standard of Care (SoC) treatment, or SoC alone, for a period of 48 weeks. All patients will be eligible to continue in an open-label extension trial of L-CsA following completion of BOSTON-1 or BOSTON-2.
This drug has no clinical trials actively recruiting patients at this time.