PFF Insights Blog

  • stationary-oxygen-machine

    Supplemental Oxygen – Know Your Rights

    In a 2018 survey from the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation, 50% of participants reported that they had experienced a problem with their supplemental oxygen at some point. The PFF has created a new Medicare Patients’ Oxygen Rights brochure so that patients can learn about this important topic.
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  • sparkler

    The Start of a New Year

    The start of a new year can be an exciting time, when we feel hopeful and anticipatory as we make resolutions and plans for the future. Certainly, we can all agree that we’re happy to have 2020 behind us. It was a year dominated by the global COVID-19 pandemic, marked by anxiety, isolation, and loss. But I’ll bet as we reflect, there were reasons to celebrate and to hope
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  • pff-help-center

    New Name, New Resources -- The PFF Help Center is Here for YOU!

    We are excited to announce that the Patient Communication Center has a new name -- PFF Help Center! The PFF Help Center will continue to provide patients, caregivers, and health care providers with the most up-to-date medical information, communicate the availability of support services, and provide information about other essential resources.
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  • telemedicine-visit

    Telemedicine – Made Easy For You

    The PFF has developed two new educational resources, the Telemedicine Basics booklet and Telemedicine Checklist, to help members of the PF community navigate the world of telemedicine with ease.
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  • Thanksgiving-dinner

    Oh, There's No Place Like Home for the COVID Holidays

    We’ve been living with COVID-19 for many months, and we will be doing so for many months more. This warrants continued vigilance and caution, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t celebrate, although our celebrations are likely to look a little different this year.
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  • vaccine-vials

    “I am not throwing away my shot.”

    Vaccines. COVID-19 vaccines, to be specific. The topic is top of mind for nearly everyone, it seems, and it’s easy to see why. After living with COVID-19 for over a year -- a year marked by loss, social distancing, masking, virtual school, working from home, and in many cases being apart from the ones we love, effective vaccines are our best way back to “normal” life.
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